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How to receive and keep the Holy Spirit Ignited in our hearts?

We, Christians, believe in God and the Holy Trinity: God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God; the Son is the Logos of God – the light of God. The three  are One Divine nature.

Why God incarnate?

Because God loves Man,  God Himself was incarnated as Man and He freely bestowed on us His Holy Spirit us: God wanted us to believe in Him so that we can become His very own children again.

The Holy Spirit is the gift of God to those who believe in Him, to those who follow Jesus Christ – the only begotten Son of the Father.


Why Baptisim?

Once we decide to  follow Christ we must be  baptized in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

After baptism, we are anointed with the Myron (the oil of the Holy Spirit); getting baptized and anointed are Holy Sacraments – special divine gifts given through the church to the believers who are reborn through Baptism.


However, the Holy Spirit must remain ignited.

For the  Holy Spirit to remain permanently ignited in our hearts guiding our lives and making  us holy, we need to pray earnestly and continuously. By permitting  the

Holy Spirit into  our hearts, we are humbly submitting  our free will  to the Holy Spirit guidance.

As a result, the Holy Spirit will fill out hearts and  the Fruits of the Spirit will bloom in there.  We  will be able to enjoy love, joy, peace, patience, kindness,  goodness and faith of God.

Not only earnest and heartfelt praying is essential, but also regularly reading

God’s Words is crucial. Those Words are inspired by the Holy Spirit and said by Christ Himself. Reading,  listening, memorizing and  meditating on those Biblical verses will definitely have your heart filled and ignited with the Holy Spirit.

Regularly attending liturgies and church  meetings – the place where God pours His Spirit on His Children  are also important.

Standing there before the altar, humbly and lovingly worshipping God will fill us with the Holy Spirit.

That’s why we consider the liturgy as worshiping. When the congregation together unite together to fulfill these tasks, the Holy Spirit dwells in their heart and fill it.

Believing in God, getting baptized and anointed, one can finally come closer to the altar and become bound to Him through Eucharist.

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