Embracing the Unexpected: The True Spirit of the Olympic Games
Nowadays, we are all caught up in the same thing: the Olympic Games; watching the different players and teams competing to win the golden medals could be very surprising.
You might expect a famous player or a team to win the golden medal. But, Alas! There is great possibility that this player with the high expectation might lose. Another player who might seem less efficient and less qualified could, surprisingly enough, be the winner.
We must always expect the unexpected; it is will always confront us.
However, you must never lose hope. Acceptance, tolerance, perseverance and consistency will definitely lead you to victory as long as you persistently fight to reach your dream. Losing one battle never means that you are loser; rather, your loss urges you to try even harder.
As Christians, we believe in God, His perfect plans for His children and His continuous tender guidance. With God’s support and grace, we have the faith that we are capable of dealing with those seemingly unfortunate surprises.
We must always modestly submit to God’s will and plan; praying always that ‘Thy wilt be done’; at the same time, we must fight for ours and the world’s salvation. Eternal life and the Kingdom Heaven are our real golden medal
Nevertheless, while witnessing those surprises we must keep alert!!
Most of the time, we, sports’ fans get so overwhelmed by the Olympic Games that our life may literally just stop. This obsession – or let’s say addiction – affects our jobs, our social life, our family, it may even affect our spiritual life: our daily prayers and spiritual readings; our service. In short, our life is put on hold because of the Olympic Games.
Well, let’s consider the Olympic Games from a different perspective: will those sports’ ‘idols’ victories and losses affect my life in any positive way after that huge event is over? The answer is definitely a ‘NO’.
In the same way, we sometimes get so negatively involved in other people affairs, in a way that will never positively affect their salvation and eternity, or ours; rather, it hinders our salvation and theirs.
Maybe the athletes enjoy having lots of fans; still, this life is theirs.
Watching the Olympic Games is not a sin – if moderately done; however, it IS a sin to risk losing your own Cup while encouraging others to win theirs.
We have only life to live; if we fail to win our Heavenly cup during this life, we do not have a chance to make up for it.