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How To Decrease Loneliness?

How many times have you been sitting among friends or in a family gathering ‘supposedly’ enjoying yourself to end up – despite the noise and laughter – feeling all alone?

Inspite of the various and easily accessed social media apps that ‘seemingly’ facilitate communication, not only do children feel lonely, but also a lot of married couples experience that exact feeling!

It could be understood why single parents, widows, widowers and elderly feel lonely – all those who do not have friends.

But why would a child experience that feeling?

Loneliness has become a worldwide issue haunting many; the problem has turned to be more crucial especially after the different social media apps and virtual ‘life’ swallowed our will to interact, to talk, to communicate or even to gather.

Is it okay to be lonely in life?

We all are in great need to be listened too, to open up to someone to speak out our hearts. But, sadly everyone is too busy to listen and sympathize.

The problem is that loneliness does not only cause one to feel sad, but also leads us to always feel heavy at heart; a thing that will eventually turn out to anxiety and, eventually, depression.

How to get over feeling loneliness?

You must always keep in mind that THERE IS GOD

HE is always there for you. HE loves you. HE feels thrilled when you talk to Him. HE is waiting eagerly to listen to you: to all of those confused feelings and mixed up thoughts.

This is true. 

He chose to create you. He chose to have you exactly as His image. He loves speaking to you and awaits you to speak to Him.

What about making friends with Him: listening always to Him, talking constantly to Him, allowing Him to accompany you in each step – He will never force Himself on you.

You must choose to spend time with Him, to get to know Him better, to build up a closer relationship with HIM. 

Ask HIM to be your BEST FRIEND.

Maybe try talking to a lonely person

It really helps when for few moments you try to leave behind that feeling of loneliness and its accompanying pain. Look for another lonely person – you will find a lot. Try talking to that person, to support him emotionally, to help him to feel less lonely.  Helping others to overcome that feeling will definitely help you get over yours.

It is a win-win situation.

In time, you will both feel better.

Serving others is another effective way to get over loneliness. We are surrounded by so many people who need to be served: the poor, the sick, the elderly, the needy children.

Stop whining and think of others, get busy worrying about others need rather than your own. After a while, you will get over this feeling of loneliness along with the anxiety and depression accompanying it.

Reading, listening to music, walking or practicing sports are all great ways to get over your loneliness.

Try the ‘Jesus Prayer’

The Fathers of the Desert taught us to always pray it:

When you always whisper JESUS name, you will feel comfortable.

When you ask for mercy and forgiveness, your heavy heart will feel lighter, the Holy Spirit will be once more ignited and your hear will fill with JOY – you will feel like in heaven.

Let us all try our best to get over this feeling.

A lot of lonely people are waiting for someone to help them – start by helping others and you will definitely feel better.

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