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What is love?

Everyone speaks about love, but according to the Christian worldview, God is love. And man was made on the image of God. So man is also love and no one can enjoy his life without love , but there are many pictures of love. There are many meanings of love.


So. Love is always for the sake of others, for the benefits of others, not something selfish or related to yourself. Let’s listen to the, some of the words given in the Bible : “ love, suffers long and is kind love does not envy love does not parade itself. Love is not puffed up. Does not behave rudely. Love does not seek its own love is not provoked love thinks No evil does not rejoice in inequity, but rejoices in the truth. Love bears. All things. Love believes all things. Love, hopes, all things love and endures all things.”


So when you think of this kind of love, you will live your life differently. And according to our beliefs, we had seen love in Christ because we believe Christ is God incarnate. He came to show his love to everyone. He came to save humanity. He came for the salvation of human beings . Because we are always facing death. We are corrupted in our nature, evil intruded in our nature .


So Christ came having the love of God to redeem us, to save everyone. So when Christ was born from the Virgin Mary, he was not only a man, but he is also the son of God. The only begotten son of God, God of God, true light of true light. So when he came to our land, we could see the full picture of love, the real image of God. And he lived his whole life in love.


He showed his love by all meanings and in his last days on earth, he offered his life for everyone. He made himself like a sacrifice for the redemption of human beings. And also he promised us when we follow him, we will catch his kingdom, the kingdom of heaven, the kingdom of love, the full picture of love eternally. So we were created on his image. We lost this image .The image was corrupted because we could not love each other enough.


Now we, with the power of God, with the holy spirit, the spirit of Christ, we can regain this love and we can catch the kingdom of love forever. Glory to God. Amen.

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