I want to give you a simple message of love. People should love each other because the world is full of hatred and selfishness. So people do not care for each other. Everyone is selfish, caring for himself and his family. That’s again, the will of God.
So this plague may regain all the world’s people as one family, we need to care for each other. We can never be saved alone. Our salvation is like family salvation. We need to, hand in hand, solve the problem together. But if anyone thinks of himself, he will lose himself and the others that the commandment given by the Lord Christ that you need to love your neighbor as yourself.

And the neighbor is every man living on earth. So we need to pray for others much more than we pray for ourselves. We need to pray for the sick people and the dying ones.
We need to pray for the poor and the sick. because we forgot all the poor nowadays, just because we focused on the Corona patients. But let me remind you that there were thousands and millions of people suffering and no one cared for them because they had no Corona. May God save all his children.