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Three Points to Start the New Year

First of all, this year was full of blessings, messages, and pain. So we need to look back and see the hand of God this year.

A Heart Full ofGratitude

God saved us from many problems. God blessed us with many blessings, so it’s nice to start the new year by praising God for all his gifts, because sometimes we forget the blessings. When we recall them, our hearts are full of gratitude and glorify God.

Examine Your Heart

Another important point is that when you start a new year, you need to check on your life, examine your heart, and listen to the commandments given by God.
You can see that you have done many bad things, and you need to repent. You need to admit that you have committed many sins. You need to confess in your prayer and before your father of confession, saying, Please, God have mercy upon me because I lost this year. It wasn’t the perfect year. I couldn’t give you my love; I couldn’t give you enough time. I wasn’t a good son or a good daughter to you.

Promise God

A third important point is to put together a schedule for the coming year. What exactly do you wish to do? What are the promises you want to promise God to fulfill? And do you have some kind of hope in some virtues like getting a more humble heart, getting the wisdom of God, being more calm, being more patient, and having the attitude of giving generously to people? So you have to plan for the coming year.

So as if you have to do three major points: praising God for all the blessings, confessing and repenting, and the third one is to give God promises to start a real good year. May God bless you all. Amen.

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