The name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, one God. Amen!
Let’s get back to the program, Faith Capsules. We spoke about the prophets and the stories that were given in the Old Testament. and It helped the people to understand how to overcome death. How to get rid of the problem, we get this new life or eternal life. Then, when it comes to Moses, God revealed the law of morality and revealed the Law of right and wrong.
God gave Moses what we call “Moses’ law“
It’s not Moses, it’s God’s law given to people through this man because this God spoke about what is evil? And what is God’s heart? And what is the good side of humanity?
How can people live a good life? And, most people did not follow this law.
They did not like it because, according to the Bible’s words, they loved darkness. Also, They did not love God, his truth and eternal life. But They loved to enjoy this bad life in their ways. And that’s exactly the story of all generations, but God revealed the law. As if he was giving the law to children.

So he spoke about the big sins, the big mistakes happening in the lives of people. And even though he spoke simple words about the bad and the good things, people couldn’t follow the good side. And then later on God chose many good people to, you know, confirm the message to tell all generations I’m God. I’m the only God; there is no way to be released from death, from the hands of evil or the devil without the hands of God. But, you know, all generations rejected, the men of God had happened by Joshua; the judges then came King David.
King David
King David showed us how to have a heart, like the heart of God. This man loved everyone.
This man loved God so much. So he gave us an example of a good man, according to the will of God. Although he was just a man, he made many mistakes like any man, but, you know, he used to repent. He used to pray back. He used to go back to God told him, I’m sorry, please help me to be better. He’s sticking to the word of God. And he enjoyed the Psalms. He prayed Psalms many times, and he loved even his enemies. So he gave us kind of an example of a good man who tried to be on the good side of humanity to catch eternal life, and then we had seen many good people after, you know, we had seen good Kings in the old Testament.
Prophets talked about the coming Messiah
We had seen many good prophets who spoke much about the coming Messiah, the coming of God, himself to save men. So the Old Testament is saying, no man could save anyone. No man can save himself. There is no salvation within the hands of men. Salvation should come from heaven from the hands of God himself. That’s why, they spoke about the coming savior, Messiah, son of God. So believing in God, the father, the son, and the holy spirit, everyone was waiting now for the coming savior. May God bless you all.