ABC Christian marriage “D” for Devotion, we all fully devoted to God because we were consecrated to be the children of God. So we had a vow, we had a covenant between us and God and inside this vow, inside this covenant Christian marriage was brought up. So simply having the devotion to Christ himself and putting Christ in your mind and living with a heart full of love for God and the church.
This will help you and facilitate that devotion to the partner. And our Christian marriage, there should be a kind of full devotion to the partner. You have to keep yourself away from all kinds of temptation. Nowadays, we could see that marriage is threatened by temptations and many spouses could think of others, not their partner.
What Are the Excuses To achieve Devotion?
They give themselves the excuses of many things that I’m not happy, he is not helping. She is not caring. I could live a better life with someone else, but that’s never Christian marriage. Christian marriage stands upon the foundation of the covenant. It’s not kind of just a deal or an agreement.

It’s a covenant between the two of them and Christ himself. So we should respect this vow. When you live your life devoted to your partner, you will never allow your mind to think in a bad way, and you are not allowed to speak any loving words to another woman or another husband, so you feel like your wife is always there because I chose her and she chose me and we are one, we are no anymore two.
This kind of devotion secures our marital relationship and because of this secure environment, the children will grow in peace. They feel the security of having a father and mother totally devoted to each other.
What Is The Importance of the Respect?
They respect each other. They just live for each other and cannot have any fun or joy apart from each other. This kind of devotion needs always to be nourished by spirituality when we pray good. When we study the Bible when we are in the church. We are kind of reminding ourselves that we are now before the Lord, just one being devoted to each other.
And in this way, we can offer our whole life to the Lord forever.